Mar 2, 2023

The alternator’s function is to produce electricity for your car’s systems. It does this by spinning at high speed. Most of this power supplies your car’s various electrical systems, and the remainder is used to recharge your battery. When an alternator gets older, it produces less electricity. As your Ford dealer, we’d like you to know some signs that you need to come in for an alternator repair.

Signs You Need an Alternator Repair at Your Ford Dealer

Old Age

An alternator is a relatively tough component and will work for at least eight years. Alternators work continually, from when your engine starts until you switch it off. Time and constant operation will gradually wear down an alternator and cause it to fail. Fortunately, its decline is gradual, and there are numerous warning signs.

A healthy alternator will produce approximately 14.5 volts of power, which is more than the electrical system requires. The drop in power supply is usually only noticeable when the alternator can’t supply enough power for all the electrical systems. When this happens, the check battery light will come on, and you’ll experience electrical anomalies. We’ll examine the alternator and install a new one if the original is failing.

Failed Rectifier

The alternator uses a complex conversion process to produce electricity. The alternator belt that powers the alternator uses mechanical energy from the turning crankshaft. This mechanical energy causes the alternator to spin, and the alternator produces magnetic energy. The magnetic energy is then captured by the stator and turned into AC. The final step is to convert AC to DC.

The rectifier is a small component in the alternator that handles the AC to DC conversion. If the rectifier wears out, the conversion process will stop. Your car’s electrical systems can only use DC, and your electrical system will start to shut down. Our technicians can quickly replace a damaged rectifier, and the conversion process will resume.

Burning Metal or Plastic Smells

Either of these smells is a sign of trouble and usually points to an alternator problem. As we’ve seen, a worn alternator slows down and produces less power. Your car’s computer will instruct the alternator to work harder, and it will speed up. A failing alternator will overheat as it tries to produce more power, and you’ll smell a hot metal smell.

Burning plastic smells from the engine can be caused by overheating wiring inside a worn alternator. A worn alternator becomes hotter than it should as it struggles to produce power. This can overheat the wiring and cause the insulation to burn. We’ll trace the source of the strange smells and repair its cause.

If you experience any of these issues, call us ASAP at Boyd Brothers Ford.